Hi, I am Charlotte and if you are reading this it probably means you need a proper night’s sleep!

I am a Certified Child Sleep Consultant and mum of two boys! I have been where you are now, utterly exhausted and sleep deprived, not able to fully function day to day let alone enjoy time as a family. A proper nights’ sleep for all of you is achievable and should not be a luxury!

I am originally from the UK and moved to the Washington, D.C area in 2009 after I met my now husband. Once we had our boys not having any family close by to help out really hit home, especially on those days when I was exhausted from being up all night with our son.

Our first son slept through the night from 12 weeks old but that wasn’t the case with our second little boy. I didn’t understand why the same things I did with our first son didn’t work with our second son. All I knew was that I had to get our family into a productive sleep schedule and I had to do it fast! But my utter lack of sleep, mixed in with too much late-night reading of so called sleep “specialists”, listening to everyone’s advice and trying to read the newest baby books left me feeling hopeless and confused.

Something had to change for us so when I heard about a Child Sleep Consultant (I wasn’t even sure what they actually did) I decided to hire one, what did I have to lose?

It turned out to be one of the smartest decisions I have ever made! It was like magic, after only a few days of working together our son was sleeping through the night and that also meant that I got to sleep uninterrupted too! We were given a plan of action and lots of support to put it into place. It’s been nearly 5 years and our youngest is still a wonderful consistent sleeper.


My experience with our Sleep Coach ultimately inspired me to train to become a Child Sleep Consultant. Being a parent these days whether you are home full time or juggling a busy job is extremely demanding! The right sleep at the correct time is a necessity for our children to develop and grow but they also need parents that are getting enough sleep too so they can help them thrive.

I found that with predictable sleep routines and early bedtimes our boys could have fun with friends, stay up late sometimes and even recover quickly from traveling through time zones visiting family back home.

Every family is unique and all children are different so you need a plan that is designed just for you! No more wasting your time reading contradictory sleep books and scanning the internet for that light at the end of the tunnel. My methods are based on science and using your child’s biological rhythms we will get your family the sleep they desperately need.

Let me do the work for you, so you have the energy to take care of the other million things that need your time!

Get started today, with Arcadia Sleep Consultants

  • Certified Consultant

  • Safe Sleep Approach

  • Science Based

  • Bespoke Sleep Plans